Saving the Savanna Webinar

04/20/2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


Oak savanna is found in the transition zone between prairie and forest. It is one of Minnesota’s rarest wildlife habitats, and home to dozens of species in greatest conservation need.

In this webinar Professor Rebecca Montgomery, University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, will provide background on oak savanna ecosystems, what makes them unique, and why it is important to restore them.

Caleb Ashling, Natural Resources Specialist with the City of Burnsville will discuss their restoration showcase at Terrace Oaks Park. Home to many bur and white oaks dotting its gently rolling hills, Terrace Oaks Park provides a great example of the City’s efforts to restore oak savanna habitat and remove invasive species.

Questions? Contact Jeff Jackson at 218-788-2696 or

This webinar is sponsored by University of Minnesota Extension, Great River Greening, and the Sustainable Farming Association as part of the Silvopasture Learning Network, a project supported by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources.

Register for the Zoom meeting here.