The Book Worms (Central Chapter)

01/04/2021 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM CT


The Book:
The Future Earth: A Radical Vision for What’s Possible in the Age of Warming, by Eric Holthaus *


The Facilitator:
Liz Pohlmann, a board member of the Central Chapter and a literary aficionado, will be leading the first meeting.


The Timeline and Expectation to join:
We will meet four times, once a month, January-April.
The first meeting will be on January 4th from 7-8PM.
We will cover about 60 pages each month.
This is by no means an absolute requirement for this to be accomplished. We simply want to gather (virtually) and share thoughts and ideas.


The Proposed Agenda for the initial meeting:
Intro to each other and the book, the purpose behind group, how we will proceed and the plan to move forward. (We intend on having a candid conversation with the established group, and to move forward with ideas from all who will be participating.)


If you would like to participate, and/or if you have any questions, please email


Join Zoom Meeting:


*We encourage purchasing through an independent bookstore. You can find a list of stores in MN HERE.