Introduction to Halal Meat and Opportunities for Goat Farmers Webinar

10/21/2020 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM CT


This webinar will explore the untapped potential of the halal meat market in MN. The presentation will feature Ariel Kagan, MN Department of Agriculture, Serdar Mamadov, UMN Extension, Dr. Sue Wika and Dr. Tom Prieve, Paradox Farms.

Register for the Zoom meeting at:

Please join us for a webinar on the untapped potential of the halal meat market in Minnesota. Three respected specialists will discuss different aspects of this developing market:

Overview of the Minnesota Market for Halal Meat, presented by Ariel Kagan, Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Thousands of people in Minnesota have needs for meat processed in the halal tradition. The significant market for halal meat is met mostly through international imports. Ariel Kagan will discuss the requirements for halal meat production and what they mean for livestock farmers and meat processors in Minnesota.

Barriers and Opportunities for Minnesota-Raised Halal Meat, presented by Serdar Mamedov, University of Minnesota Extension.

Serdar Mamedov will discuss barriers for ethnic communities to access fresh and locally raised Halal goat meat, and the developing opportunities for livestock farmers to meet these local needs.

Raising Goats in Silvopasture: Fundamental Considerations, presented by Sue Wika, Ph.D., and Tom Prieve, DVM, Paradox Farms. 

Dr. Wika and Dr. Prieve will discuss resources for new goat farmers and an introduction to silvopasture, which is the deliberate integration of trees and grazing livestock operations on the same land. They will discuss their experience using silvopasture to raise goats on their farm in Ashby, MN.

Questions? Contact Jeff Jackson at 218-788-2696.

This webinar is sponsored by University of Minnesota Extension, Great River Greening, and the Sustainable Farming Association as part of the Silvopasture Learning Network, a project supported by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources.