DGA Master Grazier Roundtable

01/03/2020 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM CT


Networking with fellow dairy producers as SFA and Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship host a free master grazier roundtable event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fri., Jan. 3, at Cornerstone Buffet & Restaurant, 223 E Kraft Dr, Melrose. 

If you are a Master Grazier with DGA or interested in becoming one, this event will give you the latest news and information about the DGA program.

Lunch is provided and will be followed by a keynote presentation, "Farm Stress," by Emily Wilmes of U. of M. Extension.

Info/RSVP: Angie Walter at 320.815.9293 or angie@sfa-mn.org. Download an event flyer here.